Arbro stroke harvesters – the best choice for forestry!
- We provide world’s best quality Arbro stroke harvesters.
- Huge delimbing-force – big branches are food for Arbro.
- Oilflow and pressure requirements are very low.
- Light-weight (330kg), but can cut and handle up to 40cm trees.
Difficult circumstances are our home! - High-quality components with several accessories enable Arbro to handle all circumstances.
- Arbro stroke harvesters are well suited for excavator platforms.
- High-quality cylinders combined with oversized pins makes Arbro run “forever”.
- Easy and simple to use and maintain.
- Because of the strong knives / grapples, Arbro can handle fallen trees easily
- Delimbing function is soft because of the latest technology sensor steering
- Arbromat or logger measuring unit with length and diameter
- Ease-of-use
- Durable construction
- Optimal delimbing results
- Pulverpainted
- Very long working life